Friday, January 1, 2010

The New Year's Resolution

by Elanor

As far as I can remember, I have never made a New Year's Resolution before, mostly because I am too afraid of failure to willingly set myself up for it. But this year, while I was driving home from a party on New Year's Eve, I thought of something I would like to do this year.

In 2009, I learned that Jesus is the dividing point of the world. Where some people, intentionally or not, want to mush Christianity together with a general theory of tolerance towards all people and all religions, Jesus comes with a sword and cuts through to mark a distinct boundary between the kingdom of God and the kingdom of the world. If you ever want to find out for sure where someone stands, get them to tell you what they believe about Jesus, and you will know.

Since He is the difference, He is what changes everything, I want my spiritual focus this year to be on Jesus, and Jesus specifically. I intend to read one of the Gospels every week and share 200 to 250 words about something I learn from them. When Jesus was on earth, His disciples followed Him around for three years, so maybe I will somehow find the discipline (disciple-ness) to follow Him for one.

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