Sunday, March 28, 2010

An Easter Poem

So this past month, I've been reading each Gospel all in one sitting. That's the main reason I haven't been posting as consistently...on Fridays, I barely have time to skim through the book, let alone think and write about what I'm reading. I will not do this again, because taking so much of the Bible all at once makes it into a burden. Starting now, I'm going back to reading small portions every day.

Happy Palm Sunday. Here is a poem to think about in preparation for Easter:

"The Opening," by Elizabeth Rooney

Now is the shining fabric of our day
Torn open, flung apart, rent wide by love.
Never again the tight, enclosing sky,
The blue bowl or the star-illumined tent.
We are laid open to infinity,
For Easter love has burst His tomb and ours.
Now nothing shelters us from God's desire--
Not flesh, not sky, not stars, not even sin.
Now glory waits so He can enter in.
Now does the dance begin.